Corporate Information

    Company Name :

    BeijingWest Industries International Limited


    Registered Office :






    Cricket Square
    Hutchins Drive
    P.O. Box 2681
    Grand Cayman
    KY 1-1111, Cayman Islands


    Principal Place of Business in

       Hong Kong :


    Rooms 1005-06, 10th Floor, Harcourt House
    39 Gloucester Road
    Wanchai, Hong Kong


    Sector :



    Phone Number :

    (852) 2625 8699


    Fax Number :

    (852) 2528 2581


    Board of Directors :












    Executive Directors
    Dong Xiaojie (Chairman)
    Chang Ket Leong
    Zheng Jianwei

    Independent Non-executive Directors

    Wong Foreky
    Lo, Gordon
    Peng Fan


    Executive Committee :




    Dong Xiaojie (Chairman)
    Chang Ket Leong
    Zheng Jianwei


    Audit Committee :




    Lo, Gordon (Chairman)
    Wong Foreky

    Peng Fan


    Nomination Committee :






    Dong Xiaojie (Chairman)
    Wong Foreky

    Lo, Gordon
    Peng Fan


    Remuneration Committee :




    Wong Foreky (Chairman)
    Dong Xiaojie
    Lo, Gordon
    Peng Fan


    Company Secretary :

    Leung Wai Hung


    Auditors :

    Ernst and Young


    Share Registrar and

      Transfer Office :

    Tricor Investor Services Limited
    17/F, Far East Finance Centre
    16 Harcourt Road
    Hong Kong


    HKEx Stock Code :
